Contact me to see if you I can send you something that you are obsessed about. For example,

RUBY:  Tampons or menstrual pads may be requested for $55 and $75 each respectively.  Orders may take up to another month depending on My cycle

The USED and ABUSED garments

Worn panties; soiled and or dirty socks and stockings; abused shoes, and other personal items

Keep up-to-date with new possessions for sale on this page, My Instagram Story, and on My Twitter. Send me an initial request and I will send you a link to what is available.

Be sure to provide a current mailing address during payment.  All flat items ship free domestically unless otherwise specified.

PANTIES/SOCKS:  6-8 hrs wear starting price of $50.00   If you would like Me to wear them longer, or get them specifically dirty, there will be an uncharge.  Additional days [3 max.] are $25 each day.  Self-love, ruby, or skid marks are an additional $25 each per day.

STOCKINGS:  price $50.00

LINGERIE:  price $50.  Sissy slut hand-Me-downs.

SHOES:  price $50.00 – $100.00 Used heels from sessions and life events.  Shipping may be charged by weight at checkout.

Email your request to with a written description of the listed item as well as any additional customization you desire.